Hair: [taketomi]_Ronaldo_DarkBrowns NEW InWorld
Necklace: AITUI - Stolen Tags Necklace ( Nº 21NEW InWorld
Neck Shirt: ::K:: Henley Neck Shirts Homme LightGray(Fitted Mesh) NEW ( The mens dept Aug. ) InWorld
Jeans: <kal rau> Casual Jeans M5 NEW InWorld
Shoes: [Deadwool] Dippold shoes - chocolate NEW ( The Chapter Four Aug.InWorld
Pose: ::Axix:: LordCrow 7 InWorld

Notebook: DIGS - Movie Buff Notebook [MESH] InWorld
Lightbulb: Apple Fall Lightbulb Terrarium NEW (The Liaison Collaborative) InWorld
Light: junk. dreamers light. iron. NEW InWorld
Heart: 7 - Heart Marquee NEW InWorld
Boat: 8f8 - Inside the Story - Boat  NEW (Where The Wild Things Are Event ) InWorld
Tree: 8f8 - Inside the Story - Tree NEW ( Where The Wild Things Are Event ) InWorld
Clock: Alouette - Metal Floor Clock NEW InWorld
PhotoMap: floorplan. photo map / new york NEW  InWorld

Building: :Fanatik Architecture: STANIEL CAY ( Thanks Michell <3 ) NEW ( Uber ) InWorld